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Username: Fimasava

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My auto-biography
Fernando Juliani Imasava nasci to 01 May 1967 in the city of coaching Diadema, SP, Brazil. Son of Ferdinand Imasava and Ezita Juliani Imasava Clara, grew up in middle class districts of Sao Bernardo do Campo, in the ABC Paulista region.
Study at the Technical School SENAI ‘Armando de Arruda Pereira’, graduating as ceramic materials technicians in 1985. It was in the technical study that has been known to Prof. Alvaro Bravo, who support their entry as practical to the IPT, “Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnol gicas do Estado de Sao Paulo, where he was an integral part of research team led by Colin Graham English Rouse, PhD (deceased), one of the greatest Brazilian authorities in the field of glass technology.
In 1987 he entered the Escola Politecnica da Universidade de Sao Paulo (EPUSP) and, due to their strong inclination towards technological research, quickly initiated a strong academic activity in the group of Dr. Persio de Souza Santos, Brazilian clays renowned researcher and Other important inorganic materials.
In his college newspaper, has been an active member of the ABC (Association Brasileira de Ceramica), participating in several conferences, meetings and publishing a wide number of technical articles alongside leading researchers and academics from the Department of Chemical Engineering EPUSP. see here
Chemical Engineer graduated in December 1991 and began his career in the ascendency Company RIP, Refractories, Insulation and Painting Ltd. In the year 1994, it moved to Chile to take on projects of RIP in the Chilean subsidiary. For years he was manager in Chile of the important Enterprise Services to the industry, acting in different sectors such as mining, energy, cellulose, etc., only leaving the same at the end of the year 2007, to form a second company, Akeron-CAF Industrial Services, since in the year 1998, due to its corporate vein, and had created IMORI strategy Company Ltd, training engaged in consultancies and technical consulting and customer service business.
Its long experience in the area of energy conservation by means of thermal insulation systems, acting in very important industrial projects in various countries of Latin America (including Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Bolivia, etc.), combined their professional training, is considered one of the best technicians in their area of operation innovation at the continental level.
The year 2007 can close IMORI significant agreement with major Brazilian manufacturer of cleaning products for home, turning Sun Under the agreement, the line item for skills turning Sun is represented, distributed and marketed in Canada management exclusively by IMORI Ltd.
In 2008 the businessman Fernando Juliani Imasava comes in successfully taking over the management of their leaders companies, IMORI Ltd (1998) and Akeron-CAF Ltd (2007), leading to growth and consolidation, projecting substantial development both in the short coming years.
Juliani Imasava Fernando is married since Dec/2007 industrial engineer with Milady Diana Zambrano, Colombian resident. His wife is a fundamental part in life and decisions of the entrepreneur, she being the great responsibility of his approach to spiritual growth and Catholic Christianity.
My links
Akeron-CAF Ltda:
Turning Sol Chile: (Detergent Balance Spinning Sol – Perfume de Mama)
Spinning Sun:
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