With this, it witnessed many events of close in the large house and one of them was that Mr. Cantidiano died with the two legs amputated because of an illness that it had. It also mentions that they had come many people of it are to work in the cut of the sugar cane, therefore according to it, the men who liveed in the village were not enough and therefore she was necessary to contract people of other places as, for example, people of Piramb, the Farm Advantage in Aracaj and the hinterland. At the time of cut of the sugar cane the village was very moving I deal and it profited from this, the fair of the city was very great that happened all the sundays come people of the Priap town, Are Jose, Tapirs, Town Street of the straw to venderem fruits as the papaya, pineapple, goiaba, maracuj and among others. They not only vendiam as well as bought foods in the fair. Eliza owner also tells that when was the harvest of the sugar sugar cane the workers of the device set fire fire in the plantation, with this, would diminish the time and the work to cut the straws that grew on caule of the sugar cane it coava, and it being burnt finished with these problems.
She also says that current Street Jackson de Figueiredo known old for Street of the straw was called thus because the houses of this street the roofs were made of straw and many of them belonged to the Device Castle. Many houses existed that belonged to the Castle and inside of them the division was a room, two rooms and a kitchen. The bathroom was done is of the houses, discharge did not exist and the people played water buckets in the hole of dejees. Eliza owner comments that inside of the house the cooks made some types of sleeve, milk, banana candies, of cashew, also macaxeira cakes and these dainties were vendidas in the fair that existed inside of the Castle.