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Tiradentes University

The technology serves to improve the income of the pupil, leading it pra other sources of research; the absolute truth of professor passes to be questioned and appears aextrema importance of the preparation of the pupil for this new world. ON AUTHORS Gilda Carla de Jesus He hisses is graduanda of the Portuguese course of Letters for the University Tiradentes, Aracaju/SE, attending a course 3 period, in the first semester of the year of 2010. Contact: carlasilva1985@ Talita Menezes Saints is graduanda of the Portuguese course of Letters for the University Tiradentes, Aracaju/SE, attending a course 3 period, in the first semester of the year of 2010. Contact: talita2011@ the elaboration of this scientific article must it the practical investigativa in the form of qualitative research of the bibliographical type. The article was produced aiming at to take care of to the requirement of disciplines ‘ ‘ Didtica’ ‘ , of the Course of Letters of the Tiradentes University, in 1 period of learning semester of 2010 and counted on the orientation of the Msc teacher Maria Jose de Azevedo Araujo.

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