In the same way as our species it evolved in its concepts and processes necessary to leave the caves, to dominate agriculture, to implant in villages and cities, and to modify the planet in the way as we made, we are now in the point to examine with depth the leadership concept and to transform we understand as it. The leadership concept that still in the permeia is old, and can be enriched now with other necessities that our evolution brought. The presented theories to follow suggest an evolution of thought in the leadership area, an evolution that, however, looks at almost that exclusively for the concept of leadership in the field of the administration and enterprise conduction, as it can be visualized in Figure 1. Figure the 1 ascending curve of the evolution of the leadership theories. In this book we go to examine all these theories of organizacional leadership, but also we go to focus the leadership theories that affect in them as people are of the organizations.
We go to examine our deep beliefs on led leaders and which we become attached in them since our primrdios, that perhaps can and need to be reexamined at this historical moment that we cross as species. At a moment where we are called to question our presence in the planet, our individual contribution for the critical ambient situation where we find in them, perhaps either also the hour of individually redefining in them, to be more conscientious and responsible for what we are, for what we make and as we make. As well as that leader regarding which we commented at the beginning of this chapter. Rank this, we go to the first selected theoretical perspective for analysis, of the Great Man. The Theory of the Great Man Thomas Carlyle was who first wrote, in 1888, on the great men who Humanity knew and its effect in our history and our evolution.