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The Work In Today

Today, in Spain, find employment has become one of the most complicated tasks of the day for many people, only to have an idea, we are talking about 20% of the Spanish population which is in unemployment around. Many of them that we’re here, we ask ourselves, where is the work? What should I do? Where do I start? a series of questions without answers or few alternatives. All we want to work, we need to do something to try to survive, we got up in the morning wondering if today will have that opportunity which we yearn now for both, we went outside to leave our curriculum with the hope that one will call us, we use the internet as a means to try to find work, we aim at everything, but that, after several days, this task has become our day to dayjob search has become after so many days, weeks and months in a new job, and so we continue and try, day after day, because we have again it that look for us life. We know how the situation is, we feel it firsthand, we struggle to convert this anguish that we are living, we struggle to get ahead, we fight because failure to something about it we can not survive. Today we are witnessing a difficult situation and not only in Spain, in many other places the reality presents many difficulties, perhaps there are many reasons to quit, to leave everything and close, but I also tell you that there are many reasons to continue and fight, there are reasons each person right now to go ahead and try to prosper. We are responsible for what happens to us and as a result of what happens to our environment, at this very moment we have the responsibility that we have to improve this reality.

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