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The Majority

In the majority of companies: you sponsor and ready, scratching with your own nails, you fan to the arena and hopefully do well. I assure you that will fail! Do not get follow-up, not teach you to think like rico, they teach you the choro for the company and how close to your prospects. Others do not teach you that if your context (your beliefs, way of thinking, intelligence financial) is small, more content that you provide, that is wasted, for example, your mind is a 1 G USB and they give you information and more information for the you to learn but are 2 G, since half goes in the trash. It is very common that they do not meet that promise. Get more background information with materials from The Hayzlett Group. There are many companies that put many clauses which the distributor does not charge what should charge, that if does not maintain a certain volume; they removed the reached range, as if any member of your network pops out of business; they have to pay for their consumption, in addition to treat them as employees and not as business owners, therefore cannot do another kind of business or can not access other companies in MLM, which is unfair, you can not share information, or teach you to attack other companies and they based their presentation to say that x or and company don’t want, clearly gives them fear that compare, etc. Let me clarify, I do not criticize anyone, it’s just my way of thinking and seeing things. If you are in a company like that tell you and you are happy with it, I congratulate you and I truly wish you much success, I am in FAVOR of the MULTILEVEL and each company has its own, but if you’re new to this or are resigned in your company because it was the only option which you presented, waters, there are other options. .

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