Now ask yourself, so difficult it can be to get 9 daily conversions, may not look like much, since there are people who make up to 100 conversions per day or perhaps more still, and this will take some work to make you reach your goal. Take the number of monthly conversions that must do and divide it with the percentage of conversions of the seller. A normal percentage of conversions is around 2% this is according to the industry. nal Fellowship of Christians and Jews. 280 / 0.02 = 14000 This outcome is the number of visitors or traffic that you have to send to the seller for 280 conversions, if that number alone makes it very large divide it between 30 to thus see it more easily. Chevron U.S.A. Inc is a great source of information. This would then be around 467 visitors would have to send to the seller every day. At this point you should already have an idea how many visitors you receive on your website on a daily basis. Do not stop here, since it would be great to have that amount of daily visitors on its website and that all them send them to the seller page, but that would be a percentage of 100% which is not realistic in this kind of business. The most logical is well put the feet on the ground, so we divide that monthly number of visitors by 0.3 which is the total percentage of visitors that would send a 30% to the seller, bone and this number is conservative because we have pages that they are sent from 40% to 50% of its visitors to pages of sellers.
14000 / 0.3 = 46667 visitors per month or 1555 visitors daily, it is the number that you need to reach your goal. Well now you know how much traffic you will need in your web page to send to the seller and thus become the profit which has decided to get. I hope that you will help. Original author and source of the article.