To the effect of reducing the temporality in Spain, reform has affected both the temporary hiring as the indefinite. On temporary contracts: the contract for the work or service will have a maximum limit of two years, extendable for one further year if it is agreed by collective agreement. Identification of the work likely to be covered by this type of contract may be made through agreements State sectors and lower field, and even company conventions. Daisy-chain of contracts. They will become fixed workers that have been contracted for 24 months within a period of 36 months. Increase of compensation for temporary contracts.
It will be 8 days to 12 progressively in the period between 2012 and 2014. Termination of the contract of employment (dismissal). The document considers collective dismissal that affects at least 10% of workers and causes economic, technical, organizational or production is founded. Especially relax the assumption of dismissal by causes economic, which initially concerned in terms of legal certainty to the totality of labor lawyers. While in the procedural practice, nothing new brings reform as inspiring approach. In my particular opinion as labor lawyer, the concern by eliminating the temporality should focus the efforts of all in good times. While in the of mass destruction of employment as the present, we must first and foremost fight to create jobs, relaxing if we need many more assumptions. This is what come telling us from Europe, as a justification for denying us more aid if they are distributed as boba soup. Original author and source of the article.