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Rivera Services

The stones care services esculpidoras will to the public of ANTEL ANCEL in the town of Rivera, Uruguay who has had to make some kind of formality in the offices of ANTEL ANCEL, in the town of Rivera, Uruguay, will surely agree with me in that there should be a more finished of ineptitude and indifference sample, that female civil servants assigned to the attention of the users of telecommunications services which perform dailyeither they both fixed telephony, mobile phones, internet connections, etc. As it is a public spectacle, which carried out the usual civil servants, the same may be observed and/or suffered by anyone who by those things of fate, need to perform any management that has as objective, purchase any of the services mentioned above. We are talking about a service that can well be considered between so-called essential, who did not have to register a humble means of communication as it can be a phone, because, although this appliance will be something extremely simple and modest, as the purchase of a cell phone for a school child, or a family use landline, or in the case of a whole team of telecommunications for business use, either you a housewife, an entrepreneur, a professional, a rural producer, finally, whoever it is who need you, the purchase of this good must inevitably pass through the waiting room. Then, my friend, will have to wait and wait, while presence actions of the ladies of the mystery, which will make you to participate in a session of telecommunication with more beyond, esculpiran your name in their makeup faces stone, then be lifted, to wander among other desktops, talk among them, read together, the prospect of a new product, or the supermarket offerings, receive any llamadita by cell phone, and clear, after so much work of communication between them, must go to the bathroom for Touchup makeup or give another little time to savor a tea or a coffee.

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