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Rabindranath Tagore

If we could go through life without making mistakes, without fail and without hurting other people it would be perfect for us but it is not. We are human beings who make mistakes and continually failed. What can we do to get rid of them. Simply accepting them from a perspective of teaching and learning, this does not mean we are conformists and we go through life giving worship to the mistakes that we see mistakes as opportunities to learn and improve as human beings and thus express the gifts and skills that we have within nosotros(ver articulo El Poder que Habita en Nosotros). I was seller for a long time and I learned that if you don’t want to make mistakes so try less, only that also produciras less.

On the other hand if you try more, thou shalt commit more errors but you also produciras more. The ballplayers that more home runs have been stuck in the history of baseball are that most have struck. Thomas Alva Edison tried 2,000 times until he found to create light. Errors are required to learn how to guide us in the life. Most of the time sent you a message. If we know to take advantage of every mistake and we see it as opportunities we have extraordinary results.

Finally, I would like you to read these thoughts of people who have been successful in life; Someone said if you back to birth would commit the same mistakes. Someone said that thinking about the mistakes of the past having so many new to commit. An expert is a person who has committed all mistakes that can be made in a particular field. – Niels Bohr is called experience to a string of errors. Enrique Jardiel Poncela Si cerrais the door to all the errors, also the truth will stay out. – Rabindranath Tagore the error forced to redo the way and that teaches many things. The question, no. Between error and doubt, I always choose the first. Jean Benet the greater mistake one can make in life is to be continually fearing you will commit one. Elbert Hubartt which is wrong is not progressing.

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