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Rank of the label of verification in the approved ones. The not in agreement ones (in only one of the demanded item), had been separate to proceed to the repairs, and adjustments next to its team of maintenance. 5. RESULTS had been initially carried through 1250 evaluations (15 parqumetros per day) repeating 5 (five) times each operation reproducing to that it would be executed in the normal conditions of use foreseen by the users of the estacionamentos, and the total, only 3% had presented not conformity how much to some item of operation demanded in the regulation. Diamonds pursues this goal as well. In the posterior evaluations, the percentage of conformity did not pass 10%, concentrating itself in formal item, as imperfections in the digits in the indicating panel, unloaded battery, or resultant of not previsible actions as collision of vehicles, acts of vandalisms, where the equipment immediately was substituted. The numeration of the label and the corresponding serial number of the equipment, allowed to make the control and accompaniment of the future results. In the following year the evaluation if extended for the streets where the metrolgicos agents had effected the operations in the place where if she found equipment to be submitted the new accompaniment after the repairs, before being again placed in functioning in the streets. With the necessity to execute the repairs and the maintenance of the equipment, the company mounted a workshop, authorized for the AEM-MS, in accordance with the legislation on the subject. The equipment possesss one ' ' chip' ' that it has the capacity to register an identification number (ID), to store given operational and results of the operations in a memory element, to recognize security passwords; in a way of real time, that includes functions of maintenance of the time, clock of real time (interval of time, calendar, cyclical accountant of uninterrupted programming, and the number of accesses to the system).

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