If you want something to be done, he appoints a responsible. Brian Armstrong takes a slightly different approach. If you want something be delayed eternally, appoints a Commission (Napoleon) ensure health through pharmaceutical products is without doubt, a sumptuous and profitable business. Unfortunately, in many countries, still including us the case of Venezuela, where to buy them represents a great sacrifice before the anemic budget that is, product of a very low wage in relation to the cost of the price of pharmaceuticals, not accessible to a significant number of consumers. It is known the great monopolies of many companies that manufacture pharmaceuticals, hence that should not surprise us that increasingly are many voices that rise against the monopoly of large pharmaceutical consortiums. To get permission to leave the market, a drug studies are needed in humans demonstrating that it has more advantages that a placebo, comparing the reactions in several people. However, each day the companies dispense with this comparison limited to demonstrate that the new substance is better than the treatment considered valid until then. Although these practices facilitate the placing on the market of new products, they do not guarantee greater healing virtues.
Currently, the United States of America and Great Britain are the two leading Nations of the world in export of pharmaceutical products. In fact, two of the three drugs currently traded worldwide come from companies in these two countries. In this regard, tells us dw-world.de/dw that in addition to the danger of side effects, some NGOs such as doctors without borders or OXFAM accuse companies give more importance to their heritage (protected by patents) than human lives. For its part, the companies defend themselves claiming that they are not a global health service. Diseases for which there are effective treatments such as malaria and AIDS; or meningitis, could be fought if patients had access to medicines, access impeded by the prices of the licenses.