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Place Number

Rank of the label of verification in the approved ones. The not in agreement ones (in only one of the demanded item), had been separate to proceed to the repairs, and adjustments next to its team of maintenance. 5. RESULTS had been initially carried through 1250 evaluations (15 parqumetros per day) repeating 5 (five) times each operation reproducing to that it would be executed in the normal conditions of use foreseen by the users of the estacionamentos, and the total, only 3% had presented not conformity how much to some item of operation demanded in the regulation. Diamonds pursues this goal as well. In the posterior evaluations, the percentage of conformity did not pass 10%, concentrating itself in formal item, as imperfections in the digits in the indicating panel, unloaded battery, or resultant of not previsible actions as collision of vehicles, acts of vandalisms, where the equipment immediately was substituted. The numeration of the label and the corresponding serial number of the equipment, allowed to make the control and accompaniment of the future results. In the following year the evaluation if extended for the streets where the metrolgicos agents had effected the operations in the place where if she found equipment to be submitted the new accompaniment after the repairs, before being again placed in functioning in the streets. With the necessity to execute the repairs and the maintenance of the equipment, the company mounted a workshop, authorized for the AEM-MS, in accordance with the legislation on the subject. The equipment possesss one ' ' chip' ' that it has the capacity to register an identification number (ID), to store given operational and results of the operations in a memory element, to recognize security passwords; in a way of real time, that includes functions of maintenance of the time, clock of real time (interval of time, calendar, cyclical accountant of uninterrupted programming, and the number of accesses to the system).

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BONAGO Brings Diversity Into Human Resources Management

The Munich-based coupon expert at the trade fair personnel & training 2011 Munich, 07.06.2011: on 8 and 9 June, the annual trade fair personnel & training takes place in Wiesbaden, Germany. The BONAGO incentive marketing group GmbH will be represented among the 200 exhibitors. The Munich coupon expert visitors of the fair for personnel and training management will present its innovative voucher systems. Novel ideas and solution proposals for the use of incentives in everyday work of companies will be presented to the audience. Motivation and skills of the staff are significant capital and production factor of a company and just as important as physical assets. These forces must be accordingly receive, improved and strengthened, since they are eminently important for competitiveness and the economic growth of a company. Just 2011 it is businesses easier and cheaper employees to incentivising regularly and effectively, as the Bundesfinanzhof (BFH) has new Principles to the distinction between property and bar services. So far, vouchers to employees were allowed to contain no concrete money nominal tax and social tax-free to be used.

Thanks to the judgment of the BFH, all vouchers are valid up to a monthly par value of 44 euros as tax-exempt thing wage. Instead of one-sided benefits, employers have now the choice the complete range of voucher is the motivation or reward employees available. The Munich-based coupon expert BONAGO offers a diversified product portfolio matching: useful vouchers, such as the TankBON tank voucher, highly emotional incentives, such as the ErlebnisBON experience voucher, up to the ShoppingBON shopping voucher, which offers a variety of original vouchers of more attractive partners from the retail and online. As also the BONAGO is how human resource management should be: integrated, individual, flexible and diverse. The BONAGO incentive marketing group GmbH offers with their diverse Matching gift voucher systems incentives and incentives for staff to effectively and in the long term to increase especially their motivation and performance. The BONAGO incentive marketing group GmbH, a wholly owned subsidiary of Hubert Burda Media, is the expert in the use of vouchers, rewards and incentives. BONAGO sells and developed vouchers marketing, sales, and employees to improve incentives for the applications and offers a neutral and cross-industry B2B consulting to its customers. The product portfolio includes certificates in the areas of shopping, refueling, cinema and experiences, as well as consumer incentives. BONAGO incentive marketing group GmbH Maria Pickrahn Bajuwarenring 14 82041 Oberhaching near Munich phone: + 49 89 622 33 77 51 fax: + 49 89 622 33 77 99 E-Mail: Web site:

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Zezinho Professor

Geraldo the Prado Mosque? aureoled of grandsons who are chords of cite of David, honey of Abrao and perfume of nardo. Famous doctor, cult and always brought up to date, studious of the sanitary problems that to be able constituted defy them and the community. University professor of confirmed prestige between colleagues and students, balanced and human administrator. Priest you are, in particular way. Later that you studied in the Paran and in the Guanabara, you came back toward Sergipe Del-King, the formosa Aracaju? decorated girl walking of electric tram, with the river of the saveiros and the barges.

The ships of the Ita/whistled in the port and alone of ouviz them the people waved to Good bye comadre/Good bye girl the college of Zezinho Professor marched in streets and the procession of the Senhorr Dead was a burial of night truth serenata/zo of Cula, Walnut, Argolo, Moral Later Carnera, Moreira Joo, Melo Joo,/Jaci, Antonio Garci’a, Jose Sampaio,/They are Joo was coconut samba ganz and the pandeiro musical instrument and a drum clog in the brick Woman smelling the flower. Today Aracaju is centennial/and a river does not kill it the headquarters alone/thousand of automobiles for the streets/Hotel of luxury, Road Station/Its light forms a sparkling veil of stars and people nor if it more than remembers to look at the sky new Quarters go appearing and the racket of the city hides moaning of the poor persons/the Atalaia blunts with the sun and youth and the people forget its Good pain day Aracaju/Good day Love! *** Already you find Here, in the joust immortality, the old oaks that the time and the storms twist, however do not obtain to pull out the roots and the trunk to them. August Milk, gold bistoury of the medicine and the letters. Landmarks Blacksmith of Jesus, orator journalist, spirit of great east in our way.

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General Objectives

Been methodological. From the ETHNOGRAPHIC, how you can get the knowledge of this reality; Here the methodological perspective and methods and research techniques are used by the researcher in dependence of their ontological and epistemological, assumptions with which a harmonious and logical relationship. If you would like to know more then you should visit The Hayzlett Group. Three principles should be organically, impossible to analyze without taking into consideration its coherence and internal interdependence, and this is what exactly gives you a unique nature to this proposal of paradigm. In as to the classification of the paradigms is observed that there are two outside any controversy: the positivist and the constructivist, given by the own personality which gives his ontology, epistemology and methodology. However, from the theory critique of Habermas (1973, 1984, 1988), creates the so-called paradigm sociocritico, whose contact with the interpretive points made many authors consider it linked to this. Objectives General objective to propose a pedagogy of the as to the application in the training of teachers of secondary formal education of the school Superior of formation of teachers Simon Bolivar, in the Socialcomunitario approach, which responds to the integral development of subject teachers to face the new challenges of the current educational colonization. Target specific describe, the current paradigm of education Bolivian, in the system of higher education. Interpret and analyze the conceptualization of the teaching profile from of the various social proposals.

Propose a pedagogy of the as in the communal social productive community approach. Of the social community the Andean Cosmovision, nature, man, and the Pachamama (mother earth), are considered a whole living perpetually related. That whole seen in nature, is for the Andean culture, a living being. The man has a soul, a life force, do all plants, animals and mountains, etc., and being that man is nature itself, does not dominate, nor seeks to dominate. It coexists and exists in nature, as a moment of it.

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Best Fields

Time ago that Morocco is a destination is well known and recognized by golf professionals and at the same time offering innumerable attractions around this sport, like culture, beach resorts, adventure, etc. Located at an average of less than 3 hours from the main European capitals, Morocco is a perfect destination for golfers, with excellent facilities of international level and an average of 300 days of sunshine a year. Here is a list of the best golf courses in the country. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust by clicking through. Royal Tangier this Club is the oldest golf course in the country, opened in 1914 and redesigned by English architects Cotton and Penninck in 1967, who was awarded a visibly Anglo-Saxon character. It lies just 3 kilometres from the coastal city of Tangiers, to the North of the country, on green hills that offer a splendid view over the rooftops of the white Tangier. 18-Hole layout is almost Alpine in character, as it meanders around a large forest of firs, cypresses and eucalyptus, and has with countless ascents and slopes. It is an excellent layout for good golfers, who no doubt will enjoy enormously with the abrupt ascents, narrow descents and the common challenge that offers wind.

However, beginners can also discover the joys and difficulties of a tour where it is impossible to be bored. Royal Club of Cabo Negro (Tetuan) after the city of Tetuan and the summits of the mountains of the Rif, this field of 18-hole golf course was designed in an environment almost wild by Hawtree & Sons and revised by Cabell B. Robinson. Design of the path, with a natural course, conforms to the purest tradition and British philosophy and offers wide fairways that hide the surprises to find near the green, as dense and impenetrable bushes the greens of the path are especially slow and long strokes are very demanding.

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Joacir Soares d' Abadia* meets a summary of all Here the lessons of the course of Theology of disciplines ' ' Social doctrine of the Igreja' ' (DSI) that it was given from ' ' seminrio' ' displayed for the pupils with the direction of the Professor Priest Pablo Borges Baptist. For more information see Chevron U.S.A. Inc. At the beginning of the course the professor passed a film of Darcy Ribeiro, which turned regarding the cultures that had influenced the Brazilian etnia. The subjects well had been varied. However, always giving emphasis in what it is peculiar of the Social Doctrine of the Church. Jeffrey Hayzlett often says this. The subjects meet at the beginning of each statement together with the day of its presentation. Then, what it is followed is a reflection in summary form. Of form that, the abrangncia was limited for the fact of being a summary, in which they will only count the ideas most excellent.

Set of documents ' ' The Brasileiro&#039 People; ' of anthropologist Darcy Ribeiro (04/08/2009 – 25/08/2009) the development of the Brazilian culture In the set of documents ' ' the people brasileiro' ' based in the Workmanship of Darcy Ribeiro, explana regarding the development of the Brazilian culture. Leaving since the conquest on the part of Portugal, passing for different the cultural one that had influenced this people until culminating with the current days of the author. At the beginning of the set of documents &#039 is announced that; ' nobody knows as the cinquenta will be daqui anos' '. Since the things are in constant changes. It is through this fact if it can affirm that before exactly of Brazil to be conquered by Portugal it already existed. Not while Brazil, but as one ' ' nao' ' constituted of some aboriginal tribes. The indians said that the purpose of the life was, before any another thing, life. They, to live, had that to construct everything how much related search for the survival.

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National Hurricane Center

The National Hurricane Center expected that hurricane landfall in the State of Maine on Monday. The Center asks to the citizens that they are ready to be mobilized. Hear from experts in the field like RioCan for a more varied view. Hurricane Irene is a serious threat to the East coast of the United States, has highlighted again the Agency Federal management of emergency (FEMA), at the time that began in an island of North Carolina evacuations. The National Center of hurricanes (CNH) advises that the hurricane is growing and is strengthened, has remarked the director of FEMA (in English), Craig Fugate, who has called on the inhabitants of the East Coast that are prepared from this Wednesday for possible evacuations in a conference call. According to Fugate, the experience lived on Tuesday with the earthquake of 5.8 degrees Richter that shook much of the coast this without leaving victims should serve to remind that it is impossible to predict the next disaster.

Irene has transformed Wednesday into a hurricane of category 3 intensity scale Saffir-Simpson, of a maximum of five, with maximum sustained winds of 185 kilometers per hour and is the first cyclone which seriously threatens U.S. Since Ike hit Texas in 2008. Vortex of Irene was located 160 kilometers from Southeast of Long Island and 460 kilometers southeast of Nassau, in the Bahamas, en route to the East coast of United States. After passing through the Bahamas on Monday, according to the latest forecasts of the CNH will advance towards United States and possibly touch ground in the State of Maine. Irene, the first hurricane of the Atlantic cyclones season struck Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Turks and Caicos. Source of the news: United States starts evacuations by the “threat” of Hurricane Irene

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Virtual Offices

Advice for rent of virtual offices we helped You to choose an agreed virtual office to your needs. Here there are some useful advice for ayudarte when you want to rent a virtual office that he satisfies your requirements. Evala if you feel well working from house At present many new industralists and workers from house admits mainly that it can be more difficult to maintain a healthy balance between the life and the work, when this one exceeds hours. If you are a worker with vast experience in your branch, perhaps you adapt better and than you have a good level of commitment with your clients. Decide if a virtual office will benefit from the beginning to your business You would feel or if the clients knew your number of cellular or the one of your house? What you need to satisfy to your clients with a business from house? This is something very important if you think about the esencialidad to project a good corporative image from the beginning or if he is something that you can postpone. The benefits to present/display a commercial direction through a virtual office can be crucial component of a plan of creation of all company.

And what is more, the payment than you must do is not very great. Consulta the services of several companies to choose the most suitable option Although many companies of rent of offices can have a visually presentable page, the location of the cubicles or boardrooms that renders for the enterprise meetings of the renters can not be so presentable. It is important that you visit the real address of the company so that DES tells you of what it is what they offer as far as corporative image. Inspecciona the facilities and knows the personnel who will be the meeting point with your clients In several plans of virtual office, the companies subcontract services of office (receptionist, mail, etc.) to other companies.

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Web-to-mailing Service StayGuest Launched At Nuremberg Mailing Days With Full Throttle By

New by StayGuest, Web-to-mailing service which is based ODS GmbH, Berlin mailing days of at the Nuremberg, which took place at the end of June, started out at full throttle. Many new business contacts could be established at the trade fair. Already for the tenth time, the mailingtage, the leading trade fair for direct and dialogue marketing, opened its doors late June. About 400 exhibitors presented the entire spectrum of the industry from A to Z such as delivery addresses the visitors. Also the Web-to-mailing-service StayGuest of the Berlin-based ODS GmbH was on the Xerox booth there. Whether it original was Ducati race bike which, on which visitors to the trade fair stand photograph could settle, not once. The fact is that StayGuest on the mailing days had a so great popularity among visitors that even the information materials to be threatened at the end of the fair. To Sonja Bunthe, Marketing Director of StayGuest: We wanted to take this opportunity on the spot, spread one our service StayGuest and interested Audience to imagine.

While we encountered a large response, how we us not better would wish it. Towards the end of the fair, in fact still our information materials were scarce. We have made many new business contacts and also concrete cooperation agreements. Even a request for the implementation in the foreign country was approached at the fair on us. It must be now worked out in the wake of the trade fair and fixed in writing.\” The online portal was targeted for the hotel industry and gastronomy develops and provides a simple and effective direct marketing service. Hoteliers and restaurateurs can select in five easy steps greeting cards with custom motifs, those with individual text, logo and send signature provided and post it to the guests. The title is the name of the addressee and gives individuality each card as a result.

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Center City

However, through the msticos and/or miraculous events, such myth suffers small modifications from generation in generation in the measure where they go being recounted, but its essence permanece.3.2 LocalizaoSo Jose de Ribamar is the fifth more populous city of the Brazilian State of the Maranho and is the headquarters of one of the four cities that integrate the Island of So Lus. It is placed in the extreme east of the island, of front for the Bay of They are Jose, and dista about 32 kilometers of the maranhense capital. Beyond what, the fifth city more important of the Maranho.Vale is considered to still point out, that in this, meets one of the Main sanctuaries most excellent of the attractive north-nordeste.3.3 tursticosOs attractive tourist of city is perceived in such a way in the natural scope how much in the cultural one, through a humble and hospitable people who survives of the precious artesanato and the local commerce, with emphasis in the commerce fishing boat that is used in the excellent culinria of fruits of the sea. Jeffrey Hayzlett is full of insight into the issues. The Beach of Bath is the one that possesss greater access the ribamarense population, had its central localization in the health-resort and for providing a constant programming to the tourist. Other beaches that if detach are: Panaquatira, Cara, Green Tip, Itapari, Juatuba and Boa trip.

One becomes opportune to emphasize, that They are Jose de Ribamar is provided with natural beauties and beaches still repletas of virgin ecosystems. Tourist ones in the city also exist other attractive, but these directed toward the aspects cultural and religious, after all, both have expressividade in the same one sufficiently, being they: the monument Is Jose de Ribamar, the Church of Is Jose de Ribamar, the Grotto of Ours Mrs. of Lourdes, the House of the Miracles, the Museum of the Former-votes, the artesanato store, Center of Culture and Tourism, amongst others. .

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