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Native Esthet

Because, as the poet says, life and art is long and, moreover, does not matter. Started as trance Many times I have been required simplicity and as many times I've wondered how it is that, being or looking the more universal, how to be true that our of the Native Esthet is not as simple. "We have been complicated? Why? It should, at the outset that we should not take Esthet as an objectivity outside of us that must be penetrated by the intellect or to be digested with the intellect. In all reading levels is infinite, so many readers. Culture is, in itself selective. If desired, aristocrat, and, better, dichroic. But, not comparatively, but differently.

The Native Esthet is guaranteed to be born fruit without taking advance the suspicion of some potential readers, beyond the curtain of print. One day I wrote, without wishing to annoy, to the incomprehension of the Esthet not due to the complication, but the simplicity of their potential readers. Perhaps they accept this better if you understand a fundamental axiom of Esthet: the invisible is not because we do not see, but because we see it. The mystery we should not limit or bank to see how his is the rotation that carries all the difficulties. That is what is called the start, not because we started, but because we started. Started initiation light is light and better, initiation of light because it is she who initiates us. The pronoun "se", here is a degree of light more inclusive light than any of the grammatical forms known: is reciprocal, the reflexive pronoun, the impersonal, passive reflects the pseudo reflects …

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