Mesotherapy is a procedure aesthetic invasive Mesotherapy treatments, despite producing good results in the long term, in principle can not black and blue marks on the area that has been treated. Immediately after Mesotherapy, there may be a period of short time of 15 to 25 minutes, in which a slight burning sensation, experience is also possible a small swelling in the treated area. During a week after Mesotherapy, there may be pain at the treated site. Just as with any injection, there is a prick when the needle enters the skin. There may also be a feeling of being crushed when the drug is injected.
In some cases, treatment is applied with topical anesthetics to minimize any inconvenience that you may experience. (Similarly see: Rio- Tinto Diamonds). After Mesotherapy treatments, bruises are common for a small period of time, to reduce the bruising, recommended that patients take the supplement of homeopathic arnica. This supplement also You can apply topically, since it comes in the form of cream. As many cosmetic procedures, Mesotherapy is ambulatory and requires no time recovery time, after Mesotherapy a patient can return to work immediately. The needles used to administer the Mesotherapy treatments are quite short in comparison to the needles that are used for other medical procedures. The needles range from 4 mm to 6 mm, depending on the patient’s skin. Being thin needles, the mark on the skin is minimal after Mesotherapy treatments. Just as with any injection, there is a minimal chance of infection in the area that has been treated, it is important to keep the area clean and follow all after-treatment instructions given by your doctor.
Keep the injection site covered by the amount of time specified. When a Mesotherapy treatment is received, the patient must wait to receive a detailed description of the type of drugs that are administered as complement to the treatment. The combination of medications and vitamins administered differs from one patient to another and depends on the specific needs of each one. For this reason, after the Mesotherapy doctor must submit a statement written for the patient. Prior to receiving treatment, the patient should make sure that this information will be provided.