Many of the conflicts that arise in the long term in a relationship, due to that not We are pleased at how the other behaves, thinks, acts and tend to hold him accountable these differences. This may be the case of a couple, where one is he who takes the initiative in large number of occasions and the one that follows them and assumes to complain that your partner does not leave you space to express their views, instead of analyzing its attitude and begin to assess their opinions expressing them more frequently. But if it is true that in conflict part of the responsibility, in greater or lesser part, usually be shared only each one is the real responsibility of managing their actions, decisions, and behaviors. Let’s go back to once again assess the role of how each Member of the couple administers their masculine and feminine energies. When the conflict is already present, it might be good time to delve within himself and analyze how you are managing each of these energies.
Say, for example, the case of a woman (or a man also) contribution in major grade your feminine energy to the relationship. It may be the moment for that contact with their more masculine traits, usually in the form how communicates with your partner. And, in the case of a man (or woman) that provides most of the male energy, perhaps the time has come to take advantage of some of their more feminine traits such as empathy, receptivity, tenderness. Ultimately, we will be good helpful rather than expect to be our partner who you give us those qualities in which we highlight not so much, we same who take the decision to grow each of these skills within ourselves. Balancing abilities more characteristic of the male energy, such as: analysis, logic, planning, perseverance with others more characteristic of the female energy: patience, empathy, openness, intuition. It should be borne in mind that each Member of the couple is a complete, competent individual who contributes and shares its fullness to the other, adding together the two a sum greater than what each individual. These aspects can also us be very useful to have the right attitude when it comes to finding a partner.