Even in their absence, as provided in the program of celebrations of the consistory, to be announced steers and cows loose: in the morning at 10:00, and in the afternoon at 19:00. Lots of people are leaving the tour in murmurs of discontent and phrases themselves … Many others, however, endure the hellish onslaught of the sun, until 12:30 am, with a heat of injustice, you hear the buzz of the last rocket announces the beginning of closure: half an hour after the expiry of the insurance a "informed sources" to claim protection of participants over sixteen years, between 10:00 and 12:00 hours each Dia To clarify details, the article's author interview with local novillero Navas de San Juan: Juan Francisco Sanchez Perez, the lift, who obtained the following information: bullfighting festivals last year 2008 ranked as bullfighting business, acting as operator of the Square Bulls Navas de San Juan, and another hundred municipalities, Mr. D. Francisco Romero Leal, under firm or business name: (Bullfighting interiors.) The same employer Taurine appears in the Journal Burladero to cause to strike and collective veto of Slayers and Novillero in 47 squares, at national level: for non-payment of obligations, salaries and services.
However, in 2008, the employer it would charge the City of Navas de San Juan the amount of between forty thousand and fifty thousand euros. In payment of subsidies that are attributed to the intricacies of bullfighting, plus the total box office revenue … However, the employer defaults on various crews left the town, medical equipment, porters, and they had to fund itself novillero the cost of his own gang. .