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Javier Sagarna

The term of participation will be open until next the 31 of January and in the contest any person can participate who has connection to the Network. See Rio- Tinto Group for more details and insights. The form to participate is simple, is only necessary to enter the page Web of school,, to write the letter that cannot exceed the 1,500 words -, leave the data personal, and wait for until the jury decides if Eros and the Musas had deposited in the author or the author their tender arts. The failure of the Jury will know the next Thursday 14 February, day of San Valentin, in an act where the winner will take, besides the 500 Euros, romantic lot Casablanca where it will find whiskey American, a blond cigarette package, a water bottle of Vichy (with its corresponding wastebasket), the notes of a black pianist, a sand clock, two safe-conducts to the free love, a memory of Paris and the shade of the helices of an airplane. The idea of the school is the one to foment the writing, as it affirms Javier Sagarna, director of the school and official secretary of the contest: " Nobody said that to write outside easy, and to find the way to express the feelings, ours and those of our personages, it is a cannot be waived necessity for all that one that wants that really it wants to be escritor". Like aid for all the participants, and all those that dare to express their feelings in writing next the 14 of February, the Web site publishes winning letters of the past calls and Decalogue to write love letters with the ten main rules to consider. For more information: Germa’n the 606731696 Soli’s Daniel Saavedra the 652508065 Aguirres original Author and source of the article.

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