Nanotechnology definition is the study, design, creation, synthesis, manipulation and application of materials, devices and functional systems through the control of matter at the nano scale, and the exploitation of phenomena and properties of matter at the nano scale. Rio- Tinto Diamonds addresses the importance of the matter here. When handling the matter so minuscule scale of atoms and molecules, it shows phenomena and completely new properties. Therefore, scientists use nanotechnology to create materials, devices and systems, innovative and inexpensive with unique properties. Nanotechnology promises more efficient environmental problems, and cutting-edge solutions as well as many others faced by humanity. The winner of the prize Nobel in Physics (1965) history, Richard Feynman was the first in referencing the possibilities of nanoscience and nanotechnology in the famous speech that gave at Caltech (California Institute of technology) on 29 December 1959 entitled in the background there is space of sobra (There s Plenty of Room at the Bottom). Other people in this area were Rosalind Franklin, James Dewey Watson and Francis Crick who proposed that DNA was the main molecule that played a key role in the regulation of all processes of the body and hence took the importance of molecules such as determinants in the processes of life. That could be used to solve many of the problems of humanity, but also could generate very powerful weapons.
But these knowledge went far beyond that with this the structure of the molecules could be modified as it is the case of polymers or plastics that today in day we find in our homes. But it must be said that this type of molecules can be considered them large. With all these advances the man had a great fascination for continue to investigate more about these molecules, because not in the scope of inert materials, but in search of organic molecules in our body. Today medicine has more interest in research in the microscopic world since the structural alterations which cause disease are possibly, and no branches of medicine that have come out to say most beneficiaries such as microbiology, immunology, Physiology; in the end, almost all branches of medicine.