The German newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung these headlines: a The lives of thousands of millions of people are threatened with death. Humanity lives above their posibilidadesa u. And then came the final report in November, in which the figures were inflated. Sea levels could rise 1 meter and 49 centimeters this century.
Some scientists said the figures are no longer current, and Ban Ki Moon, the Secretary General of the United Nations, said then that the scenarios are so horrific as in a science fiction movie. Later in Bali said that in case of losing the fight against climate change, humanity is threatened with extinction. a Arguably, the trend is increasing and the numbers have been increasing month after month, changing and increasingly more acute, however in the past year have been counted 500 natural catastrophes. This was one fifth more than in 2006. And if this correlation is seen in the past 20 years, the number of natural catastrophes and the macro events caused by man has increased by 60%. a But an important step is that scientists have shown that our a mala suertea us we have built ourselves, nature has given a lesson even the most incredulous. And in this situation 190 nations gathered in Bali to discuss how to curb climate change.
Y at the same time one wonders what can we, the citizens?, just a really interesting and important report was published in the past year 2008. A report by the FAO, the Organization for Food and Agriculture of the United Nations, which clearly warned of the relationship between meat production, global warming and climate change. The report states that livestock production is one of the causes of the most pressing environmental problems of the world as global warming, degradation of land, air and water pollution, and loss of biodiversidad.a The report estimates that livestock are responsible for 18% of emissions of gases that produce the greenhouse effect, a higher percentage than that of transport. The livestock sector produces 9% of CO2 emissions, largely because of the expansion of grassland and agricultural land for fodder production, and generates an even greater volume emissions of other gases that have greater potential to warm the atmosphere up to 37% methane, almost all from enteric fermentation in ruminants, and 65% of anthropogenic nitrous oxide, mostly from manure a Unfortunately this report little has been leaked to the public. A few scientists, including John Powles, University of Cambridge, has drawn attention to the fact that reducing meat consumption could be the most effective measure to curb the warming of the Earth. But what was very successful trachea was President of the World Council for the climate, Dr Pachauri, the following facts become a vegetarian. And in principle every person who cares about the future of the Earth can follow suit.