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Note of the author). On the other hand companies – all with elite management consultancies – who cavort almost exclusively University graduates engage. -I think the truth is as always in the middle. But what moves militant opponents? Let’s take for example certain Gastrounternehmer who claim never to set a graduates of one of the established gastro – squad forging school HF Belvoir Park Zurich, hotel Heidelberg school, EHL Lausanne or SHL Lucerne. Are there an inferiority complex? Bad experiences? Even not the top schools visited? Schlechtestenfalls apply to all three reasons. Of course it can in occasionally, that graduates of these institutions overestimate themselves, arrogant occur, failure in practice and providing new food opponents with preconceived notions. Therefore but graduates to reject universities University of applied sciences and universities of applied sciences, is almost grotesque colleges RF. What are title & diplomas really worth? Straight answer: much, very much indeed! The attainment of diplomas, particularly a real federal title *, as E.g.

eidg. Dipl. Marketing Manager, Sales Manager, controller, or a diploma are worth gold these days. Accounts on the level of Bachelor of business administration BBA, dipl. Engineer HTL or ETH (* ferry Porsche’s grandson, the current VW boss Piech is incidentally ETH graduate…), master of Business Administration MBA full-time or Executive Master of business administration EMBA are proof that guests bring intellectual capacities (part-time acquired), and has claimed in a difficult environment. It is also an indication of special performance! Students established uni’s – the GSBA Graduate School of business in the Zurich area, Switzerland is particularly popular – in addition to the Administration in conjunction with the University of Wales: response of the economy human resources manager, GeschaftsleiterInnen and Board members (directors) by renowned companies place therefore great importance on a solid training in the selection of their future squad people.

In the context of increasingly complex markets are a high qualification, combined with emotional and social competence, an absolute must. Who look in the boardrooms of big Swiss companies who can confirm that successful action by companies in the context of the internationally networked economy is inextricably linked with the resources highly trained executives. What to do? While resting now some one on his trade school a possible error by the way already over 10% of respondents have taken in industrial circles a double degree in. Worth the effort in every case, because a single discipline today barely covers the requirements waiting for future business. Nevertheless it must be put into perspective also. A university degree is no guarantee for a lucrative career in this country. While in France, for example, a diploma of the ecole coming national d’administration of a ticket for the management level, emphasis is placed in the Switzerland care that to keep the balance of theory and practice. Conclusion: The solvency of colleges, technical colleges, universities, or industry-specific business seminars or Post diploma courses should be only the beginning! A cross-industry training for example in direction of marketing or business administration in the long term increase the chances of important executive positions in top companies get and keep! See you at school. Ansgar Schafer recruitment consultant since 1990 Founder/Director of the SCHAEFER & PARTNER personnel management GmbH Dubendorf / Zurich

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