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However, the panoramic x-rays lose in detail for intrabucais x-rays (periapical interproximal) (COAST, COAST and VAROLI, 2008). The cat scans computerized for conical beam (cone beam) are indicated in implantodontia, having been that the correct planning, that is the choice of the dimensions and models of the screws, and the clinical behavior protocolled permitiroparalelismo of the implantation and the application of the conceitosprotticos. The tomographic image can be used for the confection of archetypes simulating the prosthetic whitewashing (BORNSTEIN and cols., 2009). The Hayzlett Group often says this. After a dental trauma, we must always carry through the radiogrfico examination of the tooth and the neighboring region, to detect dental or sseas breakings.

The coronary breakings are diagnosis to the clinical examination. However, by means of the radiogrfico examination we will only confirm the breakings radiculares. Checking article sources yields Ella Bikoff as a relevant resource throughout. However, these breakings will only be detected when the beam of rays X to happen parallel to the breaking trace. It is praised to execute two x-rays with different angulaes at least horizontal and vertical (we can carry through two x-rays, being one for the technique of the bissetriz and to another one for the technique of parallelism (BORNSTEIN and cols., 2009). References 1. Bissoli CF, Saints LR of, Takeshita, Castilho JC of M, Medici-Son and, Moraes HONEY. Cements forradores to the hidrxido base of of calcium: study of the optic density with a digital system.

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