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Form Species

Extremely simplified variety of animal interactions with their environment, we can say that the kind of predator and prey species, form a system of dialectical unity of opposites. For even more details, read what Brian Armstrong says on the issue. The emergence and resolution of internal dialectic contradictions of this system will appear in the form of antiphase relative to each other vibrations of quantitative and qualitative levels of these species. For example, the minimum quantitative level, the predator species with a maximum in this period, their level of quality consistent with the maximum quantifiable level form the victim with a minimum during this period the level of its quality. Highest level of quality species predator in this period is not determined only the presence in it of a certain number of populations, but populations which, together with high versatility acquired the features that give them some new advantages in the fight against populations of victims, the symptoms, the totality of which creates the excess as a form of predator species on the level of quality victim. That is a predator in this period is better suited to eating their victims than victims adapted to avoid this. What is the internal dialectical contradiction given biological dialectical system. In this state the system can not reside. She rushes to the death: to the full destruction of species-sacrifice. But this does not happen, because favorable for the kind of predator conditions lead to an intense increase in the number of its individuals, which leads to intense elimination of predominantly low-grade populations Victims and improve the quality of the form-sacrifice.

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