Fish in the Age of Aquarius blind faith in God and slavish worship (not to God, and often the mediators and their superstitions) will be transformed into a rational, intellectual faith in God – the Creator of the universe. People will not perceive God faith (heart or gloomy superstition), and the mind. That is, people will understand that such a harmonious and perfect universe (and Earth) could produce only God – – the Creator, not chaos and randomness. Highly intelligent representatives earthlings and the space community will be able to directly through the mind (rather than blind faith), to communicate with God the Creator (the Absolute) and receive from Him understandable to all people (at the level of their development), information and knowledge. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Brian Armstrong. And most importantly – help a Mind. Aries in the Age of Aquarius struggle between light and darkness (good and evil) will continue. In the universe are not only peaceful civilization, but also aggressive, expansionist, seeking to using military power to subjugate the other planets and civilizations. Will go a constant struggle of civilizations degenerated into armed conflict and the present war.
Humanity will not be one. Since Aquarius – a living, highly spiritual, water and dead, , water. Part of earthlings will join to peacekeeping civilization (living water) and the other part of earthlings will be predatory, aggressive civilizations (dead water). The positive part of earthlings will be in the community of peaceful civilization, which will help people win (defending) the Earth from conquest, more advanced civilizations in the military. Friendly extraterrestrials (and other worlds) can help people to save the earth and protect her from slavery and colonization. Positive people will fight in the composition of peacekeeping troops to aggressive civilizations, to help their friends from other planets and parallel worlds.