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Young leaves are sticky, the old – naked, glistening. Flowers – male form at the end of the branches sway earrings brown, female – earrings thin, straight, green. Fruit – nut with two wings. It flowers in May – June.

Birch grows in the wild and cultivated as an ornamental plant. In the former Soviet Union, there are about 65 species of birches, slightly different from each other. In medicine they are used in equal measure. In dermatology apply birch, birch sap, birch tar. n Jr.. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Andy Breckman Rotten Tomatoes on most websites. White birch leaves collected in June and July. Chemical composition: butyl ether, hyperoside and other flavonoids, ascorbic acid, tannins, triterpene alcohols – folientetrol, folientriol, essential oils, trace element zinc. Action: diuretic, antiseptic, choleretic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, sedative, antihelminthic. Birch leaves are used in Dermatology in the form of infusion (10 grams a leaf in 200 ml of water) in acute eczema with symptoms of soak, neurodermatitis, prurigo, skin ulcers, abrasions, acne vulgaris, psoriasis, and when combined with the pathological process uric acid diathesis, or when in complex pathogenetic treatment should include medication, which has choleretic, diuretic, sedative, anti-anthelminthic and vitamin action. At rebecca shaw you will find additional information.

Birch sap – is not only pleasant but invigorating and therapeutic drink. It includes a calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and other micronutrients, malic acid, tannins. Sap Time – March-April. Birch sap is very useful in various dermatoses. Apply fresh juice to 1 cup several times a day. Outwardly birch leaves are used for baths with allergic, pruritic dermatoses; lotion with decoction of birch leaves or buds contribute to the healing of wounds. Decoction of birch leaves and buds rubbed into the hair roots with hair loss. Externally a decoction of birch leaves, buds or birch sap has been used successfully for acne vulgaris, in cosmetics – to removing age spots. Birch tar is used topically in the treatment of scabies (as part of an ointment Wilkinson), he is a member of Vishnevsky ointment, at low concentrations – in the treatment of eczema, prurigo, psoriasis (Protivozudtny has an anti-inflammatory effect, promotes the resorption of pathological elements of an eruption). – Medicinal plants in Dermatology.

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