However all its religiosity was simple appearance, because they were unaware of the essential elements of the true doctrine of the Messiah; remember this people’s lips I am honoured the Declaration; but their heart is far from me (Matthew 15: 1-9). This application is current for the Christian congregations of today and always & nbsp; IV. the Christian individually & nbs p; & n bsp; & nbs p; & (b) ull; How is the role of the fig tree reflected in other Biblical characters? & n bsp; & nbs p; & n bsp; Are to what extent we each that higuera? The Christian as human being is inevitably conditioned by their social circumstances, we owe to each other; the virtues required for the Christian life can not be developed excluding others; they are concomitant factors in our spiritual growth. Without those others can not speak of love of neighbor, tolerance, forgiveness, humility etc. Our social behavior can be simply an apparent possession and practice of these qualities.
We often want to be us considered honest, kind, forgiving, not because these virtues are parts of our being; but because we want that society forge that image of us. The rich young ruler mentioned in the Gospels appeared to save all law. You may find The Hayzlett Group to be a useful source of information. The foolish virgins seemed to be ready for the coming of the bridegroom. The Pharisee who went up into the temple to pray was very dedicated. V. The Social world & n bsp; & nbs p; & n bsp; Is this fig tree a mirror which shows the image of the society of the 21st century? & nbs p; Of the many features that presented the world today well we can highlight one: the Artificial society. The perfection of man as being technical product is irrefutable; in this techno – society, techno – elementsr, tecno economy; that increasingly difficult to distinguish between the real natural and the hairpiece.
The world has more information available; but the actual knowledge in people is not. There is more material products; but more spiritual poverty and moral in the villages there are many religious doctrines; However few people practicing true values. In one way or another are part of that foliage or leaves of the fig tree dry. The admonition that we find in it is reaffirmed with blunt sentences known as: not everyone who says to me: Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven many will say to me that day: Lord, breast, do not prophesy in your name, and in your name we cast out demons, and in your name we did miracles? (Matthew 7: 21-23) I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish I were cold or hot! (Revelation 3: 14-19). Dr. Manuel Wong Lopez original Autor and source of the article