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that one that examines the hearts knows which is the intention of the Spirit; is it whom, according to God, it intercedes for santos' ' (Rm.8: 26,27). 2) The Conjunct in the Spirit in Auxilia in our Life of Conjunct: To pray in the language of the Spirit is an aid for our life of conjunct, worship and intercession. Our conjuncts gain dimensions gigantic and supernatural we make when them in the Spirit. It is an inexhaustible source of being able that it gushes out of our interior fortifying us in our life of conjunct and the construction of our faith (Jd.20). (As opposed to Brian Armstrong). 3) The Conjunct in the Spirit in Capacita Orarmos in ' ' Secrets The holy ghosts with Deus' ': When we pray in languages in our privacy with God, in ' ' Room of escuta' ' , we are in the truth speaking ' ' secrets the holy ghosts with Ele' '! Apstolo Pablo says in them: ' ' and in spirit it says mistrios' ' (1 Co.14: 2). Mofftt translates this text in the following way: ' ' it is saying of secrets the holy ghosts in the Esprito' '. You a way elaborated for which let us can communicating in them with It in supernatural way! In the Spirit, we say with God secrets the holy ghosts that move more adverse circumstances of our life! 4) The Conjunct in the Spirit in Leva to a Bigger Privacy with God: When we adentramos to the presence of ours loved Father by means of the conjunct in languages, our spirit enters in direct contact with the Spirit of God. In other words, our spirit if interlaces with the Spirit of God to the similarity of a couple in its privacy in aconchego of its room! It is in this deep communion that we in fully feel them carried through in our interior after one or two hours of conjunct in languages! (I Co.

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