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Brings Good News

One of the more positive letters of the tarot is the Jack of clubs. This character has a passion for life. He sees things with eyes of child, and live life in a process of lifelong learning. This is a free spirit, which does not have any charge in the material world, a freethinker who comes and goes as seems it, where it takes his indomitable spirit. The character, and the letter also have a very positive energy. The Jack of clubs is the emissary, the Messenger who brings good news. The coarse always expresses an explosion of creative energy, and in this case becomes good news.

Sometimes you can announce the arrival of a child into the world, for its association with the creation and conception. But it may also summon a different type of conception, the conception of an idea. It tells us that a creative spark was born in an unexpected manner and will result in a vision that will signal a new road. In general, announces that the life of the consultant will no longer be the same. This is not due to an unexpected income, or because luck favors. It is an inner change in the perception of reality that will help you discover new possibilities and open new doors. Sometimes this creative spark appears in his life as a person similar to the Jack of clubs: energy personality, and with a very much alive and children’s imagination. The fact that child is not intended to be pejorative, but it gives you the freedom of having no ties or pre concepts.

It’s a true offender who will find solutions to problems that others already had resigned resolve with their innocence and their energy. We are all within us a Jack of clubs, a part of us that yearns to think independently, and wants to move without restrictions with maximum spiritual freedom. Sometimes, the obligations of life lead us to silence this creative aspect of us. This letter in the tarot Chuck suggests that it is time to give rein to his imagination and his creativity. If we just leave our fears behind, we will surprise the freedom that we will win. Light inside of the sota of bastos glow it, demonstrating that you yourself was what was running away all the time.

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