The construction of the autonomy is an educative principle that, many times, lacks of a good interpretation, mainly in the school. It can be confused with freedom excess and absence of disciplines. The main challenge of educators are to make possible, to the child or young, to transform the information into knowledge and the knowledge in action. Autonomy alone can be understood in a conception that the individual in its relation with the social context and in permanent interaction with the way inserts. Without this cloth of deep she would be partially dismissed of meaning, that is, a conception of education not guided for the integral development of the individual. we would run the risk to interpret autonomy in mannering terms simply, as capacity of resolution of problems of independent form.
Educating that its freedom exercises, that breaches with silence, participating critically and actively of the lesson, will have more responsibility in its actions. is this construction of responsibility that the necessary educator to search in its relation with educating. For Pablo Freire (1996), the essential in the relations between educator and educating, between authority and freedom, between parents, mothers, children and children is the reinveno of the human being in the learning of its autonomy. The not accepted author a school that removes of each one the possibility of being subject and that he takes the internalization and the reproduction of the domination relations gifts in the society. The school must promote for educating and the educator an ethical, solidary formation, with a social insertion and guarantees of right. When considering this form to think and to act as possibility, I can consider that the educative vision on autonomy in which I came across myself in my professional experience presented a deturpada perception of the concept, it made however me to understand that my position must be TO DENY the actions that hinder this form not to allow that the human being is he himself, so that alive freely in order to learn to be.