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Aristarchus Philosophy

The same consciousness perceives the movement, what if anything would move might be perceived? Just Opponents would still, it’s like all be paralyzed forever if this happens all be over. The story would end, nothing serious, although the matter and we men we were physically. Nothing serious, spiritual being is when you have movement, without it, is only a matter, then move the feelings, the brain moves, the reality is real movement without this all fails. What does not move? In fact everything in the universe is moving all girls this is my thought, do not believe me, you think this issue. And do not believe everything they are told. I advise not to mix the metaphysical, with the esoteric. It has nothing to do with each other. For me the most ridiculous esotericism is there, but science and metaphysics investigate causes.

September 2007 Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo The question we address in this treaty, imposed on the relationship that has theoretical physics and philosophy. In scientific philosophy can address the physics from different points of view. The question is what do you mean by physical? Well, after several reflections develop a physics concept that I think should be considered. I think physics is the result of the mathematical subject knowledge of the causes discovered by scientific materialist philosophy. This represents an obvious reality if you analyze the argument in its entirety. To our friend Aristotle physical science represents a certain number of beings, which deals with the substance which has in itself the principle of movement and rest.

In philosophy it is necessary to clarify the concepts that have some darkness in order to reach clear and evident truths which are necessary foundations. The ancient Greeks made beautiful contribution to the societies, which we have looked through our philosophical inquiry. We can suddenly hear a complaint, which eloquently tell us that too lightly speak favorably of the ancient Greeks. This opinion will be received kindly in order not to enter a dispute too deep and eloquent. But I’m not the first nor the last to express the greatness of the Greek people. I think men should listen to who are the best these materials and not as we handle that in a way ignorant. Charles Louis de Secondat in the spirit of the law says, in October 2007 Anaximenes Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo said that the principle is the infinite air. From which things are generated, current, and future, the gods and divine things, and other things that occur. (DK 13 A 7: Hipolito ref. 1, 7) In his cosmology Anaximenes says that the earth is flat and rides on the air, similar to the sun. The moon and other stars fiery ride through the air because they are also flat.

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