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Agustin Millares Sall

AGUSTiN MILLARES SALL (1917-1989) creating am a world where the enjoyment of freedom that man does not close it see sunlight unless you amaze and halle love without pronouncing his name in any place of the Earth. Agustin Millares Sall. THE voice of the SOCIAL poetry CANARIA gran Canarian poet Agustin Millares Sall published more than twenty-five titles of poetic books in which they emphasize its poetry social, in his poetry written in 1965 and collected in the anthology of Social poetry of Luis Lepoldo, tells us: when I called social poet – not sociable that it is a form of pastelear – not thought to be a sambenito nor a more or less fabricable brand. I was intensely proud, knowing that it wasn’t the hence them give me all, or what is the same, I do turn a blind eye to what is happening. I felt, as was natural, more linked to the beat of the time, most taken by the popular wind which is, in the end, the best way to conduct themselves.

Their struggle for peace and freedom and that do not look into other side are a constant throughout his work. The poets of the aforementioned Social poetry anthology include among others, the poets of postwar Garciasol, Celaya, Cremer, Otero, angela Figuera, Eugenio de Nora, iron and Agustin Millares Sall; and the poets of the promotion of fifty, Gloria Fuertes, angel Crespo, Carlos Sahagun, Jose Angel Valente, Maria Beneyto, Gil de Biedma, angel Gonzalez, Rafael Morales, Maria Elvira Lacaci and Felix Grande. Agustin Millares Sall was born in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria on June 30, 1917 and died in the same city on 6 March 1989. It breeds in a family of poets and artists, his father Juan Millares Carlo, Professor of secondary education, and his brother Jose Maria were poets, his brother Manuel, painter.

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