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A Man Called Matthew

Have you ever in your life you sense in your heart the call to follow Jesus? Possibly what you felt many times, as many as denials, and bans you put for not doing so. There was a man, however, I leave everything to follow him; This man called Matthew. The Bible says that Jesus saw a man named Matthew sitting at the table of raising taxes. Jesus called him and Matthew followed him instantly. A little later, this Mateo offered Jesus a banquet at his home, to which he had invited other sinners and tax collectors.

Jesus and his disciples ate with them. The Pharisees, seeing this, filled with fright and claim saying; Why eat this man with sinners and tax collectors? Listen to these protests, Jesus replied; We are the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. Go and learn what it means. What I ask of you is mercy and not sacrifice because I have not come to call the righteous but sinners. First of all to study this episode in the life of Matthew, is necessary to know a bit of the Pharisees.

In the latter bordering the Kingdom of Judah, they vegetaban in the country remains of a conclave, who did not know or could not by their mistakes interpretive or scandalmongers, faithfully fulfill the word of God. These were the Pharisees. Descendants of the Jews who returned from the Babylonian captivity and who got out of casidin during the war of the Maccabees. This group took the scribes and doctors of the law. These people occupied the best jobs, believed in the immortality of the soul, the resurrection of the flesh and in los Angeles, as superior and spiritual beings. The term Pharisee means separated or distinguished between Jews and gentiles.

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