The school as place of learning of convivncia forms that do not fit to learn in the family. Together family and school, create a work force to surpass its difficulties, constructing a proper and collective identity; it is basic that partners face themselves as of walked, therefore both the two are responsible for what they produce – being able to strengthen or to oppose influence one of the other. There school enters the partnership family/. One talks frank of the professors with the parents, in simple meetings, organized, where it is allowed the parents to say and to think on all the subjects, it will be of great value in the attempt to understand the children better/pupils. The construction of this partnership would have to leave of the professors, aiming at, with the proximity of the parents in the school, that the family is each time more prepared to help its children. Many families feel themselves impotent when receiving, in its hands the problems of its children who are passed to it by the professors, are not ready for this.
We start to work with the possibility of that the learning model if does not characterize as something of only individual matrix, but as model also developed in a net of bonds. Thus, the family if not only discloses as indispensable factor in the emotional stability of the child as well as in its education, with this, the success of the task of the school depends on active familiar contribution. Independently of as the family this is constituted, is a basic institution of the society, therefore it is in it that if it waits that occurs the process of primary socialization, where will occur the formation of values. This system of alone values will be collated in the secondary process of socialization, that is, through the escolarizao and professionalization, mainly in the adolescence.