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The elaboration of connections is the most important factor and the key of the success for a good one position in the motors search. It stops to make money in the Web you need visits like the hot bread. It is not possible to be constructed to a Web site, and soon to be hoped that people find without it promotions. The majority of the visits arrives from Google. Therefore it is necessary to leave fast in Google and to conserve these positions so that it begins to you to send traffic. To be positioned in the first places gives more credibility you and the visitors cheer up leerte. The motors search appreciate the Web sites with up-to-date information. He is vital to update frequently adding new content and to continue optimizing the pages to conserve the positioning, as also to have many incoming connections of quality from other pages, that is backlinks.

Whichever major is the relevance of the incoming connections, greater will be its quality. If you have a great one I number of connections of another Web with related content, that go towards your Web site, Google you it will consider more excellent than others in its pages of results, popularity will send traffic to you by your free and it will assign a good PageRank to you; therefore your site will gain reputation altogether. It is necessary to consider many factors at the time of constructing the popularity of your site. But what it is going to give major to you long term yield is to offer good content in your Web and the quality connections will flow in the natural form. In the end everything consists of tenercontenido of quality and the connections that you are going to obtain will be of great value. To Google and other motors search they like that the owners of Web sites do not try to manipulate their ranking and have slo natural bonds slowly obtained in the time when they are more reliable.

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