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SP-Art of 2011 (International Fair of Art of So Paulo), that already it is in its seventh edition, will go to display more than enters days 12 up to 15 of May 2,500 modern works of art and contemporary. Carried through in the building of the Biennial one, located in the immediacy of the park of the Ibirapuera, the fair has as objective the commercialization of works of art of national and international artists, beyond promoting round tables and launchings of books and publications related to the art. Divulged widely by the paulistana press, the fair is considered one ‘ ‘ great event cultural’ ‘ , deserving until governmental incentives, it saw Law Rouanet (according to periodicals the budget for the creation of the funny fair around R$ 2 Real million).

Ahead this fact I remembered the teachings that our great critic of art, Mrio Pedrosa. In years 60, it already alerted in them on the dangerous influence of the consumption society on the works of art, characterizing them of ‘ ‘ art after-moderna’ ‘. For our critic, ‘ ‘ art after-moderna’ ‘ it is conformistical in its ideas, beyond its inspiration to come ‘ directly; ‘ of the function of the advertising, that above all stimulates the positive of the motivations for consumo’ ‘ , that is, it is a purely commercial art. We cannot leave to remember that great ‘ ‘ avatares’ ‘ this style of art, known as ‘ ‘ Pop-Art’ ‘ , they had some of its artists envolvement in the area of the advertising: Andy Warhol was a tracer of shoes of the fashion; Lichtenstein worked as tracer and technician in the arrumao of show windows; Oldenburg was ilustrador of magazines. Today the work of art is each time plus a product of the industry, its aesthetic one now is profit, SP-Art 2011 is a test of this.

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