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Work Environment

Through this monograph we can observe studies that had been made on the importance of the Quality of Life for the employees in the corporative environment. Moreover negative factors had been cited that provoke the Estresse in the daily one of the human being.Therefore gift TCC in the sample the importance of the integration between company and employee so that both can have resulted positive thus developing employee and growth of the company. The quality of life can be considered a factor essential to todoser human. In the organization action of quality of life in the work (QVT) they can provide to innumerable benefits to the collaborators and until mesmopara proper company. The employees who have quality of life notrabalho feel themselves recognized and motivated generating conseqnciaspositivas of growth and development. To keep the quality of vidano is an easy task, therefore in our daily one we are coexisting comvrios factors of estresse that it affects the being negative humanofisicamente and psychologically. Some companies had included atividadesvariadas that they can provide the quality of life to the seuscolaboradores. These activities contribute for the health and the good estarno workstation, therefore they are configured as support spaces queoferecem support to the collaborators providing welfare to all.

Osprogramas of QVT has as function to create actions that revert in benefciosa all the collaborators. Mechanisms for lidarcom must be developed inside the faced difficulties of an organization. Had the increasing problems on lack of QVT, the researcher it seinteressou for the subject and in this work of course conclusion (TCC), it carries through a survey of the negative factors that can harm odesempenho and the growth of the collaborators I teethe of an organization. He will present himself as the companies and its collaborators deal with oestresse in the daily one. Therefore, the present work has as to objetivoinvestigar and to extend the understanding on the factors of estresse noambiente of work that can harm the Quality of Vida (QV) to doser inside human of the world of the work.

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