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Health Mental

If we consider the stress from the perspective of the duration of the stressor, speaks of acute stress when it derives from a punctual event, such as a death, a separation or an accident. Stress becomes chronic if the stressful situation is prolonged in time; examples of this are already cited burnout syndrome or bullying. In terms of the intensity of the stressor, you can find different types of stress: mild, coinciding with a flu, an era of more work or a companion disease; moderate, produced by a problematic neighbour or the death foretold of one greater family; either serious, produced by a disaster, a terrorist attack or a violation, by putting some cases of stressful situations at different levels. Depending on the clinical consequences, stress can cause, trigger or perpetuate acute pathologies. In These situations have symptoms of anxiety, depression, behavioural or well mixed, they are mild and trimmed in time and do not last more than a few months. But also provoke stronger pathologies, such as post-traumatic stress disorders and affective disorders. Finally, stress can lead to chronic diseases, such as the chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia syndrome and disorders somatoform, where the stressor is chronic and the symptoms remain for a long time. On the other hand, stress can trigger mental disorders (depressive, manic and psychotic episodes), autoimmune diseases (lupus, ankylosing anquilopoyetica and ulcerative colitis) and dermatological diseases (psoriasis and dermatitis in general), as well as degenerative diseases such as dementia. According to experts, to overcome the stress it is best avoided with healthy ways of life, communicate it, resist believing in oneself, limit it and treat it with professional help. Once you have, you must to try to overcome it as soon as possible, because the more prolonged in time, it can trigger more pathologies coming to perpetuate them. Center of biomedical research in Health Mental unit of communication network original author and source of the article.

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