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Solar Panels Partnerships

Throughout the month of November has forged a new alliance between Renewable Hispania and its suppliers. This time has been with Velux. Better-known brand in the field of integration of windows in a sloping roof sealing system guaranteed for years, now enters the world of renewables. The Velux distribution policy is through stores and dealers but certifies installers companies such as Renewable Hispania for closer collaboration. In the case of the center are certified only two companies, one of them Renewable Hispania, with your installation of solar panels, and more are planned. Gain insight and clarity with Rio Tinto Group. The solar product being offered is based on the creation of fully integrated solar panels on sloping roofs simulating a window and drastically minimizing their impact on the aesthetics of the building.

This new partnership falls within the line management of Renewable where close and fluid relationship with their suppliers more remarkable, is one of the four pillars on which sits their business strategy. Throughout the month of November has forged a new alliance between Renewable Hispania and its suppliers. This time has been with Velux. Better-known brand in the field of integration of windows in a sloping roof sealing system guaranteed for years, now enters the world of renewables. The Velux distribution policy is through stores and dealers but certifies installers companies such as Renewable Hispania for closer collaboration. In the case of the center are certified only two companies, one of them Renewable Hispania, with your installation of solar panels, and more are planned. .

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