Write and publish articles on a blog is one of the most important factors that makes entrepreneurs in internet or no success in his work; now, having a blog and being able to write articles that really help and interest to visitors is another thing. One of the main reasons for what we write in our blog is to gain traffic and get followers to make known our work or service. To achieve our mission we can follow several guidelines, to make our content more effectively to our public, be easily appended by search engines, which we provide free traffic, and we can win a place in the world of blogs. Content: first before writing our first post on our blog is to determine clearly what our target audience, ask yourself for who is writing, that kind of information is seeking such people, that attracts them, products search, that behavior has, which is rank or age average of its readers, etc. Always remember that the reason more powerful that people read blogs is because looking for interesting information to read, so you must strive to provide them what they seek and try to determine how you want to find such information.
In second place and by no means least important is to define their own style of writing, write without spelling errors but with its own terms, one of the things most appreciated by readers is simplicity and authenticity, which only you can achieve, be assured that another person can write about the topic you chose, but his particular style in doing so is unique. The way in which you express in your articles is what will do that its readers will begin to identify themselves and to believe in you, to have confidence. Remember that trust is one of the points in favor which always assist him to have success with your blog and therefore to attract increasingly more readers to his writings.