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Products Partnerships

A brief review of the past 8 months since RF cycles has launched its online store in July 2010 in the country for a few months have gone and it has changed a lot. In January, holder Hannes Frank had divulged some information about the marketing strategy and confronted today with the results. In the last few months, we have focused on analysis, project work and range extension. In addition to the own specials and the wheels of Nirve we recorded well Electra bikes (bikes for boys & girls on in our range.We focus our marketing on social media channels and face-to-face promotion, where we positively assess the results despite a low budget. To the Ergebnissprasentation of the projects we will invest again heavily in social media.” At the same time, the young team developed an own product line for bicycle parts, which through innovation level, style and should convince properties. The marketing of these products shall be done in the first step of the own distribution channel. The concept is but at a later date provided also a sale at Einzelhander. Smaller parts such as handles, pedals and saddles are planned in the first step.

A later extension is not excluded. In addition to the internal work, the team has won a new marketing partner: The simple and quick Gift Finder supports every desperate last minute by thousands of gift ideas in his search for the right gift for all possible occasions. More about Omika under more information about HF-cycles in the shop at imprint of HF cycles holder Hannes Frank Ronnbaum 33a 22965 death village of HF cycles is your small online shop for casual Beachcruiser, cool urban bikes and many parts with which you can make your bike unique. Withdraw our products from the ground you. Our claim: ‘ bikes & parts for your custom adventure. “

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