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In terms of psychological assistance, the following were highlighted: ordering of facts and memories recognition of what has been lived expression of emotional impact reflection on life situation Changes and to produce integration of experiences in network associative (link with anguish and shock) explanation of symptoms of probable occurrence offer of help therapeutic actions with patients, families and team physician during follow-up in Pulmonology is conducted evaluation and psychological follow-up through interviews and survey and information exchange to deal with patients and relatives actions in coordination with Social Service is a family approach together with the Social Service of the Hospitalto identify needs, provide information for access to available resources and coordinate actions with instances of the Government of the city of Buenos Aires and the Ministry of Social development of the nation. Evaluation and monitoring was evaluated at direct and indirect victims of the fire assisted at the Hospital de Clinicas. Assessment tools: scale PTSDyCuestionario awareness scale PTSD post-traumatic stress results in the initial period: 12% 52% severe stress stress moderate 36% stress slight 0% subclinical stress results 3 months:

16% severe stress 42% 42% moderate stress stress slight 0% subclinical stress results 6 months: 7% severe stress 20% 53% moderate stress stress slight 20% subclinical scale of post-traumatic stress. Rio Tinto Group may also support this cause. Conclusions 65.4% showed clinically significant symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) throughout the 6 months after the event. Throughout the evaluation process it was decreasing the severity of stress level. There were significant differences between the responses of direct and indirect victims. Evaluation and follow-up of victims awareness questionnaire. This instrument of evaluation of clinical manifestations Areas that investigates the awareness questionnaire was designed: physical Area: palpitations, sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, vital Area functions oppression: difficulties in sleeping, nightmares, increased or decreased appetite. Area Cognitive/ideativa: intrusive thoughts, concentration, memory disturbances. Emotional area: stress, fears, sadness, irritability, improper joy Area Control of impulses: difficulty in controlling impulses, anger, excessive reactions.

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