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Peruvian Black Eagles

According to the Peruvian police, the people in charge of this filtration are the group of Pirates in the Network, although Anonymous is the one that has spread the document. The filtered information, corresponds to the data of almost three thousand policemen, ordered to guard the banks of Lima. One has become public, in the network and Twitter (#AntiSec Results: List of 2800 officers from the Peruvian Black Eagles), a compound document by a table with the personal character data of these agents of Black Eagles. After this filtration, robbery or ciberdelito, is within reach of any user the names, the schedules of work, the Police identification numbers and the guarded banking organizations, of the 2800 agents. It is not clear, still, who is the person in charge of this new ciberdelito, but are two groups those that are in the front sight as we mentioned previously: Anonymous and Piratas in the Network. .

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