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Love Relationship Problems

After the formation of a partner by marriage, it is possible that problems may occur between couples, which will make the relationship is seriously affected, leading to greater difficulties in living together, so much so that in many cases due to marital problems, it can result in the end the marriage. One of the biggest causes of marital problems is the lack of communication, since the absence of a constant link with which the couple will know what goes on inside the home, the relationship began to break, besides the love fades and before any minimum daily situation, there are distortions of what is said or done and react so altered, so the couple will be continuing problems within the marriage. Another thing that may be causing the problems of couples, is that before the completion of the marriage, the bridal couple did not know very well and may be quick to choose the time of marriage, so the move live each one by her side, living a life where they spend most time in the same place, they begin to show the personality as such, and to see a different picture of the couple, many things can happen that personality non-appreciation for the other person of the couple. Between some aspects of that personality which was not known, there may be marital problems stemming from addictions such as alcoholism, drug addiction, anorexia, among other things, which create a circle of relationship problems that ended up in discussions and many other negative events for the couple. One of the biggest problems in relationships and that can cause further damage not only the couple but the whole family are the behaviors or violent persons, who may be a manifestation of domestic violence, where the consequences can be very large, since the actions of violence through beatings and insults are very serious issues in any relationship, so the abuse of children or the couple, resulting consequences such as separation and even psychological problems, leading to be a deep fear and resentment against the violent, largely breaking emotional ties between partners and the home. When you reach a stage in the life of the couple and largely lost the desire and feelings towards another person, a life very monotonous and sometimes even with a lack of sexual desire by external factors such as fatigue or depression, various discussions will to disrupt the pattern of life of the couple and to the quest to leave this world empty, infidelity is used to search outside the marriage that is not in the home, this being perhaps the biggest problem in relationships and that will surely lead to the rupture.

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