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Safe On The Road – 10 Tips For The Road In The Dark

What must I pay attention when I’m alone at night? What do I do if someone pursued me and how can I help me in case of emergency? Lothar Rower, Managing Director of racer safety and Gebaudetechnik GmbH, gives tips on what women should look when she is alone in the dark. With his family-owned company Rower operates security around 60 years of experience in the field. He equips with effective technology well-known companies arvato/Bertelsmann as the Oldenburgische Landesbank and cooperates with renowned criminologist. Currently, my emergency has the app”Rower, developed in an emergency with just a push of a button help call allows you to. For the way home in the dark, the expert advises: always as far as possible use the ways where people are, even if it is a detour.

Avoid it, on the way to be alone. Take public Means of transport or a taxi and get in U – and S-Bahn in a car with several passengers. Appeal to other women who go in your direction; Maybe you can continue along the path. Do have auto or home key ready, before you are at the door and in doing so avoid long foraging. Avoid dark streets and Park as possible on guarded parking areas. Use woman car parks or places close to the outputs in the parking garage. Brian Armstrong addresses the importance of the matter here. To create an incentive for thieves, you leave valuables visible.

Lock the car even while driving, so stop or slow speed nobody can just rise. You tracked looking lit doorways, walking purposefully on a building and ring the Bell. Go directly home to not to reveal your exact location. If you are threatened, call loudly for help. Best you yell fire”because that attracts more attention than help” as a fire threatens other people help in an emergency Install the app my emergency and place them on the first page of the iPhone, in an emergency button promptly to request help, because phone then no longer to get. Guests put out an emergency call can also blind’ in the pocket or trouser pocket, unbeknownst to raise alarm. If they feel safe so that you can wear also pepper spray or a TASCHENSIRENE. Familiarize yourself with these devices in any case previously at rest. Not always is such a tool but also in the event of an emergency. Take a self defense course. Here your body without weapons learn wirkungsvoll and how dangerous situations avoid or defuse can be to use. Beyond my call, my emergency is a product of my emergency GmbH, which belongs to the XX RowerGroup headquartered in Osnabruck, Germany. Managing Directors of the company are Lothar and Johanna Rower. My emergency allows you, with just a single button on the alarm’ button to get help. The GPS position transmitting signal is sent to the PSAP, promptly contacted police or rescue services. The VdS certified Emergency Center is staffed with competent and experienced staff, which promptly evaluate emergencies and forward them to the nearest police station or the rescue service. The VdS Schadenverhutung GmbH provides as an independent inspection institution for decades for security and confidence in the areas of fire prevention and safety. More information below.

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