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Customer-oriented Receivables Management With 10 To 30 Percent Success Rate

Professional tact is needed, to preserve high failure rates of open claims – important customer and business relationships, this problem makes many companies, particularly in the retail (B2C) is common with a guaranteed”to calculate quota of payment unwilling or insolvent customers. The spectrum of receivables management and collection of consumes considerable costs and often results in the scorched earth”in the customer relationship. Professional dexterity is required to maintain important customer and business relationships and not to lose them because of misunderstandings and lack of communication. To know more about this subject visit The Hayzlett Group. By early contact, willingness to pay can be increased significantly in customer-oriented Receivables Management. Also, customer relations are actively maintained and grows so much cited customer satisfaction. Heike Philipps of the Frankfurt-based BPO company S.M.S.., the Saha marketing service GmbH to the topic proactive demand management: A holistic service provider Process support we recommend a customer-oriented telephone clarification customer payment overdue – and this on the basis of our many years of experience in the management of claims already before the shipment of the 2nd reminder. In many cases there are complicated descriptions or to conscious technical product issues that are a rapid demand compensation in the way not understandable or incorrect invoice content.

In other cases, direct agreements for payment dates may be agreed. Thus, both parties have a transparent approach immediately, because many customers avoid it in shame, the creditors themselves to take on the contact, if the invoice amount may not fully be paid.” The positive effects for the company are remarkable: so after the telephone clarification from 10% up to 30% of the outstanding claims in the short term are entered to the proportion of operations, which by a costly external – or judicial order for payment procedure be driven have decreased significantly. Overall, the failure rate of claims decreases significantly and the liquidity of the company is immediately strengthened. “The S.M.S.. – Saha marketing service GmbH makes this approach – customer-oriented Receivables Management – a demonstrable added value for their clients: an efficient cash flow syringe” hardly a company will decline in the current market! Contact for press inquiries: F. Alexander Kep (marketing and sales) Saha marketing service GmbH Mainzer Landstrasse 47 D-60329 Frankfurt am Main, Germany telephone: + 49 (0) 700 999 333 66 E-Mail: Internet: about s.m.s Saha marketing service GmbH: Saha marketing service GmbH, Frankfurt/Main (S.M.S.) is a medium-sized, owner-managed company which has been operating for 15 years in the field of services for high-quality customer service and high-performance process support. As a specialist for the BPO (business process services Outsourcing) our focus in the acquisition of standardized business processes is up to multi-tiered corporate functions as outsourced services unit.

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