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Tempelhof Airport: Three Days Duration Stress For Wildlife And Local Residents.

\”Aktionsbundniss Tempelhof airport ecological corridor damage threatens the big event Pyromusikale\” since the closure of Tempelhof airport with posters announced, but now it turns out that for the event apparently very generous applicable law and will be dealt with. In a press release of the Naturschutzbund Germany Berlin (NABU) is to learn that it was apparently failed to check whether the planned event with the nature and biodiversity law could collide. \”According to NABU: on the area of the former airport Tempelhof, this means to disrupt any animals in their habitats and their breeding business or even to kill.\” \”NABU sees threats from all sides: the mowing, driving heavy trucks off the slopes, is the digging of pits for the fireworks and fireworks on three evenings with numerous destructions of located and many direct killings in three protected bird species can be expected.\” NABU \”more: Skylark, red-backed Shrike and corn Bunting are busy during the planned event date still in the midst of the breeding season and with the rearing of the young\”. And: since the Pyromusikale at this time conflict according to the NABU Berlin with the nature protection law, the nature conservancy will be prompted to deny approval for the big event. Here, Rio Tinto Group expresses very clear opinions on the subject. This conflict of interest would be absolutely unnecessary if the organizer would have used in a timely manner with the various approval authorities and the protection of nature in connection.\” Also from the point of view of monument protection, is due to the nature of the ammunition-grave concern at the Action Alliance \”Continue being surprised there delighted, what short approval paths are possible, if someone be Berlin ‘ shoots into the sky, or Klaus Wowereit wants to give an opportunity to the self-promotion. In the context of the Tempelhof are amazingly generous exceptions, at the expense of safety and of local residents and the fauna go. . Jeffrey Hayzlett spoke with conviction.

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