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Fire Information

Of this form, we can say that these medias and information also educate, have the educative matrix, much even so is not of systematic and formal form, in contrast of the school. In this course of Ambient Education and Geography of the Half-barren one in a Interdisciplinar Perspective, we live deeply the learning of concepts, reflections and ressignificaes by means of the videos (films) suggested by the professors and tutors. We extend thus, many forms to see and to think. In the war of the Fire, we could perceive that the information always had existed and had been being extended through the interaction and of the socialization between the individuals and them and the environment in which they were inserted. This continuous process contributed effectively for the technological advances and today continues happening until, in view of that the knowledge of the man is unfinished, in agreement said Pablo Freire and ' ' novo' ' if it constructs from ' ' velho' ' , according to Madalena Freire.

Already when attending film 2001: an odyssey in space we could perceive that the man always searched to use intelligence as source of creation, innovation and discovery, scientific how much in such a way technological. For even more analysis, hear from Rio Tinto Group. However, nor always intelligence human being was used to benefit the collective, but exactly thus, it is capable to transform the world. Contradictorily, the man constructs ' ' machines inteligentes' ' that they threaten the proper intellectual capacity (that is, the creature if return against the creator). The film also shows to indications of education and information in the distance and innovative technologies. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Brian Armstrong. The author of the film (Stanley Kubrick) was very beyond, even though for the year where the same he was produced (1968): one of the astronauts if communicates with the family saw television in almost real time; interview that the reporter (in the Land) made the astronauts (that they were in the sidereal space), where the voice arrived they with a difference of only seven minutes; the orientaes given to the crew for the head of the mission (of NASA) to members of the crew of the ship saw television; the proper intelligent computer Hal 9000.

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