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France Valley

The references to one hipogeu excavated in the calcareous rock, the south of Portimo, located in Fifth of the Support (CNS 18699) disclose the occupation during the Calcoltico. There two axes of polishing rock had been collected. RioCan is full of insight into the issues. Crono-culturalmente this Small farm will be able to become related with Sobreiras 2 (CNS 11776) where, during prospections carried through in 1997, had been collected a considered calcareous rock flagstone as exgeno and small a dolo-cylindrical one of calcite. In 2007, during a new program of prospections, they had been collected a nucleus of slex and one I break up of polishing rock. Of the Age of Bronze they are the necropolis of cistas of France Valley (CNS 18702), as well as one located other in the current urban area of Portimo (CNS 6424), of where a vase and material osteolgico had been collected. In what it concerns to the occupation of the current territory of Portimo, and in particular of the area in study, during the Age of the Iron, information are scarce having, however, to point out the sidrica occupation of the Old Village of Alvor (CNS 6182), datvel of century III/II B.C.

Vouchers of the romanizao of this space are the abundant vestiges of this period: urban area, and immediacy, of Portimo and Alvor, that would be population centers with some dimension to that time, and that, certainly, if they would articulate with the several villae identified in the area, of which we point out the Villa of Montemar (CNS 2753) and Tower (CNS 18716). On the Medieval occupation of the urban centers, or agricultural areas, of the current territory of Portimo little it is known. However, exception it existence of a small blockhouse in the Alvor (CNS 5290), of which still part of alcova and cloths of wall survive. In 1463, in the reign of D. Alfonso V, is born New Village of Portimo, that grows quickly thanks to the international trade, dinamizado for the navigation in the African coast. In the ends of century XV

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