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Manager Managed

A managed account provides investors the opportunity to be part of the foreign exchange market without the need to spend 24 hours a day against the computer. A managed account (managed) is the best choice if you are looking for a professional management of their funds and diversification. However you should take some precautions if you are going to deposit his money in a managed account since the person who is in charge of its capital can offer you benefits that then may not meet or at the same time having no experience and badly manage your account, you must be sure of who is the person who will manage your account before giving your money for this reason. Rio- Tinto Group can provide more clarity in the matter. While most investigate more profitable will be your investment will therefore have open mind to choose the best option and that best suits you. The advantage of this type of accounts managed against an account operated by yourself is that the Manager has tools and strategies more sophisticated to operate due to its experience, effectively used leverage to obtain a good percentage of earnings and are responsible for spending faced with the computer all day while you use this time to invest in your family. In a managed account it is necessary that your money will remain operating a 12-15 month period so that you can see with greater clarity earnings that has been generated, however if you don’t like as is this managing your account can withdraw your money whenever you want. It should be noted that if you want to remove only the profits and not the total amount available in your account, you may do so, but must comply with the minimum stipulated by the Manager to open the managed account.

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