MEMORIES OF THE DANCE IN ALTAMIRA: THE SPROUTING OF GROUP PARAFOLCLRICO ' ' OLD COCONUT THAT OF THE AZEITE' ' Dbora Saints of Sousarika Souza of the CruzFrancisca of the Chagas Rasps AlhoTatielle Rasps of the SilvThays RitterAcadmicas of the Course of Full Licenciatura in Physical Education University of the State of the ParEmerson Arajo de CamposEsp. Lazer.Universidade of the State of Par GTT 7 – Memories of the Education Fsica and EsporteRESUMOEste study tell to the history of the Parafolclrico Group ' ' Old coconut that Of the Azeite' ' of the city of Altamira-Par. The used methodology was verbal history, made with the founder of the group Silvino Pantoja de Souza. The sprouting of the group was identified in the research, as well as the main justifications for its organization in the valuation of the aged one. Please visit RioCan if you seek more information. Also identification of a series of perspectives of inquiry with the dance in the transamaznica region, and of possible new surveys of memories in verbal history on practical its in this was made regio.INTRODUONossa research aims at to tell to the history of the Parafolclrico Group ' ' Old coconut that Of the Azeite' ' of the city of Altamira – Par, counted for the founder of the group.
Appeared in the decade of 1970, it has 31 years of history, and is composed preferential for aged, it is presented in the style of the junina group. A curiosity is that alone it could compose the group aged people, but today, had opening so that people with superior etria band the 40 years could dance. This diving in the process of formation of the group was told from verbal history, therefore it is capable to produce interpretations on the historical processes related to a recent past, which, many times, is only given to know for intermediary of people who had participated or testified some type of event, is a moment at which souvenirs are commanded with intention to confer, with the aid of the imagination or the homesickness, a direction the experience of the citizen that tells its history.